Azalea Aviation LLC. is an experimental aviation company that is located at Brooks County Airport, Quitman, Georgia. We bring to market several products that have been in development for several years. The experimental market allows for us to learn more about the nature of the homebuilder and design products that meet customer's needs.
Over the years much of experimental aviation has turned towards the more expensive and exotic range of aircraft with high dollar price tags. Cost to purchase and maintain these airplanes has crept slowly upwards over the years making it difficult for the beginning or budget-conscious homebuilder to achieve their dreams. We are filling this market by bringing less "flashy" yet dependable products online.
Azalea Aviation will begin leasing training aircraft for those who wish to learn how to fly or need to rent a plane for a week end trip. Our goal is to bring aviation vitality to our local airport.
Bill Clapp is CEO, and Kyoung Clapp is the General manager of Azalea Aviation, LLC.
As the General Manager, Kyoung manages day to day operations and services. Kyoung is a graduate from Sookmyung University of South Korea with a Masters in English Literature and a graduate of Valdosta State University with a degree in accounting.
As an A&P mechanic and commercial pilot, Bill has developed and designed many products over many years for Experimental aviation. In 1993, he received a Degree in Aviation from Moody Bible Institute's Jungle Aviation program, previously based in Elizabethton, TN. His aviation credentials include a Commercial Pilot (SEL), Instrument , CFI, A&P, and Ground Instructor ratings. He worked as an A&P mechanic and Flight Instructor for many years. His experience in flying a variety of different aircraft has allowed him to act as test pilot for many "first-flights" of experimental aircraft. His CFI experience comes in handy while transitioned many aircraft owners into flying their airplanes as well. Bill has built several aircraft and continues to do so. All the airplanes Bill has built flew with engines he personally built. This kind of flying and testing allows for developing better and simpler products.